Infrequent, I Know

I wanted to update this blog more regularly with things going on in our lives, but I’ve learned that life is very hectic with two children. The only down time we have is when the children are sleeping and I’m usually ready to go to bed right after they do. Tonight is a rare night.

This past weekend, I took Rhett and Elle to Sea World and let them splash in the Bay of Play area. They loved it and it was a nice way to enjoy the hot summer day. After playing in that little area, I took them around the lazy river one time and then planned on taking them to the toddler area only to find that it was under construction for a new water park. So we all walk down the long and winding handicap accessible path (for the stroller) and by the time we get to the wave pool, Rhett has fallen fast asleep.

Poor Elle really wanted to be in a pool, but we had to turn right back around and walk all the way back to the car to head home. She was really good and didn’t even complain about a) not getting to go into the small pool, b) having to walk all the way back to the car (in fact, she was optimistic and said she was getting her exercise), and c) how hot it was.

Elle is enjoying dance; this year we have her in ballet and Mexican Folkoric. I also started a Facebook page – called Elle, Oh Elle – of all her little quotes by request and also because it was starting to take over all my status updates. I’ve been teaching her letter recognition and we’re also introducing letter sounds. Once Rhett is asleep, she and I work in a workbook given to her by her cousin Hayden. She really loves learning and all the practice writing her letters. She can identify and write: A, C, D, E, F, J, L, X, & Z so far. Elle also LOVES drawing lately. It’s pretty much completely replaced dress-up, Barbies, miniature princess, miniature Strawberry Shortcake, and Rapunzel play-time. She draws every day and I enjoy seeing all of her creations. I will need to start posting more of those.

Rhett started walking August 18th and since then he’s been practicing more and more. He’s doing really well these days. Even when he falls down, he picks himself right back up and tries again. I love it. His poor little thighs must be so sore from all the squatting he’s been doing trying to sit down and stand. He has all four teeth exposed on top finally, happened about a month ago. He says: catch, throw, ball, uh oh, hello, bye bye, vroom vroom, mama, dada, Elle, shhhh, no no, and Coco (Grandpa V). He’s trying to communicate a lot more and REALLY loves his bed time stories. He also loves just sitting quietly and looking at the pictures in books.

Splashy, Splashy

I’ve been watching old videos and recording new ones as well. I’m so thankful my sister found our old camcorder because it has some videos of Rhett right after he was born and of his first bath. It’s amazing how tiny he looks. I’ll share those another time. Tonight, I wanted to share a video of Elle and Rhett splashing in the tub. I love when they have fun together.

Today is the second day since my wisdom teeth extractions. I’m experiencing a lot of pain in one of the extraction sites, but nothing in the others. I called my dentist today concerned that I may be developing an infection. He recommended that I do the salt water rinses more regularly and keep an eye on it. I should be watching for swelling, but I can’t really tell if there is any. I just know it hurts. Anyhow, if things don’t improve, he said to call back, but for now he doesn’t want to put me on antibiotics if I don’t need to be. I’m definitely hoping things improve!